Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stacking the Shelves/Showcase Sunday #5

Stacking the Shelves and Showcase Sunday are weekly memes hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Books, Biscuits, and Tea respectively.

I know I haven't been able to post in a few days, but I'm still replying to comments for the last Follow Friday! I think my followers have doubled since then - huge thanks to Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read!
I'm still on a break from review copies, so it's going to be a short list for this week:

From Library Thing:
I just recently joined Library Thing to find out more about their Early Reviewers program (some of my blogging friends have great things to say about it), and I got First to Find by Morgan C. Talbot - thank you!

In the (e)mail:
I'm joining in Monique Morgan's blog tour for her new book, Dreamer, which is set for release on December 31st, 2012! It's the 2nd in a series, so I wanted to read the 1st book to know what it's like. Thanks to Monique for sending me a review copy of Pursuer!

I visited the bookstore this week, and despite knowing I've got a lot on my TBR, I just can't help but buy some new books - it's a bookish thing, I guess! Both of these are in my mother tongue:

Eye of the Crow (The Boy Sherlock Holmes, #1) by Shane Peacock: I have a friend who is just as addicted to Sherlock Holmes as I am, and when I saw this book, I just knew she'd love it as a birthday gift! I had to borrow it back from her though, as I haven't read it yet :) I'm hoping to finish it today and get a review up tomorrow!

Short Stories of O. Henry: Another birthday gift for a friend, but I already read this. I just love O. Henry and the surprises he brings to his stories.

What did you guys add to your shelves this week? Share in the comments!


  1. I have been wondering about the Library Thing.

    Great books this week.

    1. It is sort of like Goodreads, but the interface is simpler. I'm still figuring things out there :)

  2. So LT also has an Early Reviewers program? Interesting... care to explain? Perhaps in a post :D Fun books this week!

    Here is my STS, old follower ;-)

    1. Great idea for a post, thank you! I'm visiting your StS now :)


I love comments! Although sometimes I can't reply to all of them, but I do read (and appreciate) each and every one :)